Visits by representatives from Turkey and Bulgaria


Towards the end of the semester, the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship (PEP) had the opportunity to host two professors from Turkey as part of the Erasmus+ mobility program for the purpose of teaching.


First, our institution was visited by prof. Mumcu Artür Yetvart from the School of economics and administrative sciences, department of entrepreneurship, T.C. İstanbul Culture University. His lecture was about trends in entrepreneurship. We were also visited by Emine Anık from the same university, but a different institution, Vocational school-business management, who gave a lecture on trends in marketing and digitalization. Vasko Petkov from the University of economics - Varna came to mobility for training and exchanged experiences with his colleagues from the student service how they manage jobs that are the same and what could be changed in order to improve the work of their sectors.

Employees of the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship are always pleased to host teaching colleagues as well as non-teaching staff of Erasmus+ partner faculties and thus strengthen further cooperation with those institutions.