Slobodan Jovanović had a rich professional career working in the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Trade Union of the City of Novi Sad and DDOR Novi Sad, where he served as Assistant Director of the Reinsurance Directorate, and was also the President of the Supervisory Board of the Joint Stock Reinsurance Company DDOR Re. In addition to his professional career, he also had a significant academic career, all the way to the title of full professor. He is the author of a number of articles in the field of freight forwarding, insurance, reinsurance law in domestic and foreign journals (Legal Life; European Legislation, Topics, Law - Theory and Practice; Insurance, European Journal of Insurance Law, Insurance Flows, Assicurazioni, etc.), Kopaonička schools of natural law and proceedings from the annual conferences of the Insurance Law Association of Serbia, several books and a script.