Visit to University of Nairobi, Kenya

Activities Naslovna najnovije

Between 01.06.2024. and 06.06.2024. representatives of the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Belgrade (Serbia) stayed in Nairobi (Kenya) for the first official visit of the University of Nairobi under the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Project.

The goals of the visit were to establish contact with representatives of the University of Nairobi, exchange of experience in mutual areas of research and to develop a foundation for future cooperation and work on joint projects.


Delegation from Serbia consisting of Associate professor Aleksandra Tošović Stevanović, Associate professor Gordana Gavrić, Professor Zorana Nikitović and Assistant professor Nikola Radić had an opportunity to be welcomed by Professor Florence Muindi and Professor Justus Munyoki, representatives of Faculty of Business and Management Sciences from University of Nairobi and their colleagues from the Department of Economics, then the representative of the Women's Association for Economic Development and Women's Entrepreneurship in Nairobi and finally the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi.


We can announce with pleasure that the talks were successful and that they represent merely a start of cooperation between the representatives of these two institutions.