- as training participant – part of the courses,
- as holding the lectures for participants,
- combination teaching and training participant.
Teaching staff/ lecturers themselves propose a topic within the field of Economics, Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship, that is relevant to the sustainable entrepreneurship within education and business.
Example: Sustainability, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Business Strategy, Social Responsibility, Environmental and Economic Impact, Implementation of Business Sustainability...
Lecture contents are aimed at pointing out except for the challenges that are recognizes at virtual part, impact on teachers, learners and the educational institute in general that Sustainability and Sustainable Entrepreneurship brings.
Teaching methods (at the choice of the lecturer): problem method, case study, teamwork = active group work, knowledge sharing, exercises, demonstration, observation, workshops, mapping, matrices, games…
For participation you need to be nominated by your home HEI.
Get more inform from IRO office or Erasmus coordinator at your HEI.
Participation in training program according the Agenda to be added.
Submission by each participant for expression of interest in lectures holding - a.tosovicstevanovic@vspep.edu.rs
Deadline for expression of interest is 20.02.2025.
Participation possibility: only virtual – on line, only physical, combination - blended
Period of stay for STA: 2-5 days
Period of stay for STT: 5 days
The participation in this Blended Intensive Programme resulted in recognition for staff (A certificate of participation).