Vladimir Dr Đorđević

Dr  Vladimir Đorđević

Economics, finance and banking
Konsultacije: Ponedeljak od 12h do 13h

Vladimir Djordjevic was born on April 2, 1968. in Leskovac, where he finished high school in Economics school. He graduated from the Technical Faculty in Bor with a degree in industrial studies management. At the same faculty, he received his master's degree in 2012 with an average grade of 9.6 and received a title Master of Management. In 2016, he defended his doctorate at the Faculty of Economics in Nis dissertation and earned the title of Doctor of Science. In the period from 2003-2012, he was the director of the Center for household economics, in the period 2014-2016 he was the director of the National Museum in Leskovac.
In 2016, he received the National Valtrović Award for the Museum of the Year in Serbia. He was and editor of the scientific journal Leskovački zbornik in the period 2014-2016. Since 2019, he has been working on
PEP with the elective title of assistant professor at the Department of Economics and Finance.

Biography / bibliography

  1. Đorđević, V. Cvetković, M. Momčilović, A., Human development index of the Balkan national economies, Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, International Review (2022 No.3-4),str. 77-83, http://www.international-review.com/index.php/ir/issue/view/23 (M24)
  2. Cvetković, M. Simonović, Z. Đorđević, V. Цветковић, М. Sinergy monetary and fiscal policy in the function economic growth republic of serbia, Економика, Vol. 68, october-december 2022, № 4 ISSN 0350-137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDK 338 (497,1),srt. 57-63, ©Друштво економиста “Економика” Ниш. https://ekonomika.org.rs/sr/PDF/ekonomika/2022/clanci22-4/5.pdf  (М51)
  3. Ђорђевић, В. Цветковић, М. (2022). Потенцијали прехрамбене индустрије Јабланичког округа у функцији привредног развоја, Висока школа за пословну економију и предузетништво, Београд ИСБН 978-86-6069-201-8 ЦОБИСС.СР-ИД 77302281.  (M42)
  4. Đorđević, V. Cvetković, M. Momčilović, A., Uticaj humanog kapitala na privredni razvoj, Centar za ekonomska I finansijska istraživanja, Oditor, Volumen VII Broj SO1/2021, str. 107-120, http://www.cefi.edu.rs/oditor-vol-vii-br-s012021-3/ (M24)
  5. Chroneos Krasavac, B., Karamata, E., Djordjevic, V. (2019): “Innovative Potential оf Environmentally Motivated Female Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Serbia“, Economics of Agriculture, v. 66, n. 3, p. 721-735, ISSN 2334-8453. http://www.ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/1627 (M24)
  6. Đoko Raičević, Miloš Marjanović, Đorđević Vladimir, 2021 Natural Resources And Regional Development: Case Study Of The Gornje Polimlje Region In Montenegro, Економика Vol. 67, january-march 2021, № 1 ISSN 0350-137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDK 338 (497,1) ©Друштво економиста “Економика” Ниш 91 https://ekonomika.org.rs/sr/PDF/ekonomika/2021/clanci21-1/7.pdf (M51)

  1. Vladimir Đorđević, Predrag Stanisavljević, Ivan Stanisavljević, Radmilo Nikolić, Model Simulation to Waste Management Strategy,, IV Symposium “Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development”, Kladovo, 2009
  2. Ivan Stanisavljević, Vladimir Đorđević, Predrag Stanisavljević, Radmilo Nikolić, Process Management and Environmental Protection, IV Symposium “Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development”, Kladovo, 2009.
  3. Predrag Stanisavljević, Vladimir Đorđević, Ivan Stanisavljević, Radmilo Nikolić, recycling as an element of environmental protection, IV Symposium "Recycling technologies and sustainable development", Kladovo, 2009.
  4. Bratislav Stefanović Dejan Riznić, Vladimir Đorđević, Application of modern marketing concept for strategic positioning in the market of traffic services, May Conference on Strategic Management, Zajčar, 2009
  5. Vladimir Djordjevic, Predrag Stanisavljevic, Ivan Stanisavljevic, Radmilo Nikolic, Business Ethics and Stakeholders, May Conference on Strategic Management, Zajcar, 2009.
  6. Ivan Stanisavljević, Vladimir Đorđević, Predrag Stanisavljević, Entrepreneurship - Small and Medium Enterprises,, May Conference on Strategic Management, Zajčar, 2009.
  7. Vladimir Djordjevic, Nevena Stojkovic, Branko Stefanovic, Uticaj delova agro kompleksa na ekonomiju Jablanickog okruga, Majska konferencija o strategiskom menadzmentu, Bor 2007.
  8. Miljan Malović, Tomislav Rakić, Vladimir Đorđević. The process of introducing new products in the company "Zdravlje Actavis", May Conference on Strategic Management, Bor 2006 ..
  9. Tomislav Rakić, Miljan Malović, Vladimir Đorđević. Providing workers for a vacant or newly created job, May Conference on Strategic Management, Bor 2006.